Collaboration Matrix for ICT Hubs
We are currently supporting several Hypertension Telemedicine Clinics in Haiti, El Salvador, Peru and other countries. We receive hypertension data from the remotely located clinics, store it in our Global Center at Harrisburg, and provide guidance to the clinics.
We are implementing our vision through several pilot projects that have deployed smart hubs in more than 10 countries which span several SIDS (Small Islands and Developing States), Africa, Asia, South America and the United States.
A snapshot of our implementation plan is displayed in Table 1 that shows the different hubs (columns) that are being implemented in different countries (rows). These Hubs also can collaborate horizontally (different hubs in same country), vertically (same hub types from different countries) and diagonally.
Examples of these scenarios are:
Healthcare in same island.
Schools from different islands.
DRM (Disaster Recovery Management) with Healthcare.
Regional economic development
Small Islands & Developing States