e-agriculture 2.0
Small Islands
- Challenges and emerging issues in agriculture, forestry and fisheries
(by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, January 2004)
(Note: This link is provided here for educational/informational purposes only)
- FAO activities in SIDS:
- FAO resources:
- Food Security and Nutrition in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) - (publication 2014, 16 pages)
Abstract: This policy document focuses on the
economic and social issues around food security and nutrition in
order to advance sustainable development in SIDS. It highlights
key topics such as governance, institutions, gender,
partnerships and family farming and provides concrete examples
of FAO’s support in each of these areas. It also provides an
overview of the food security and nutrition situation in the
different SIDS regions, identifies some priority actions,
creates and advances in the consultation process that would
eventually help respond to the member countries’ request that
FAO assists in addressing food and security challenges.
- Global Blue Growth Initiative and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) - (publication 2014, 8 pages)
Abstract: Fish and fisheries are the mainstay of
food security and the wealth of most SIDS. Many SIDS are heavily
dependent on their oceanic and coastal fisheries resources for
economic growth and development, as well as food security and
livelihoods, and are vulnerable to any change in the state of
these resources.
- Natural Resources Management and the Environment in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) - (publication 2014, 16 pages)
Abstract: This policy paper focuses on the environmental
challenges of sustainable development issues with particular attention to
natural resource management, environment and climate change in the food and
agriculture sector (including crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry). FAO’s
agriculture, fisheries, forestry and technical assistance programmes provide
considerable resources to assist member countries promote conservation,
sustainable use and management of natural resources and to reduce the risks
associated with climate extremes as well as resilience building.
- FAO activities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) - (publication 2014, 16 pages)
Abstract: FAO is implementing numerous programmes and
projects in SIDS, covering the AIMS, Caribbean and Pacific regions. This
document provides highlights of FAO’s support and investment in advancing food
security and nutrition and sustainable use and management of agriculture,
forestry, fisheries and natural resources in SIDS.
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